Tuesday, January 26, 2010

tara-lynn you are the best

photos by caroline

pale yellow vintage jacket: thrifteed
cream knit cowl: yarnovermovement (thanks tara-lynn i LOVE it!)
black sweater: thrfited
white top: thrifted
grey highwaisted ankle zipper jeans: american apparel
black lace up boots; thrfited

i'm so sorry for being mia over here and also i'm so sorry i have been so slow at commenting back on your wonderful blogs but i promise i'm working on it!   the truth is that i've been feeling pretty uninspired lately and i fully blame the winter weather.  Well the weather and the fact that i am still trying to catch up from the holidays moneywise which is always a bummer. BUT say goodbye to negative nancy forever!  from this moment on, i am bucking up.  For me, winter is the absolute most challenging for fashion, it's hard being a southern girl in north.  i am constantly amazed and impressed with you guys and your layering abilities.    But I've made a to-find list and I'm going to ravage the thrift stores for soft oversized sweaters to wear with leggings and boots, vintage ruffle blouses and dresses with floral print, bows, collars, or lace not to mention my forever obsession: vintage hats.  I am also daydreaming about my future life with leonard.  A life with our own bed, our own house.  I know it won't be all fun times and spending every day in bed together.  But I'm also looking forward to just everything in between.  I'm sorry my blog has turned into girl talk 90% of the time, I guess I was born with too much girl talk in me. 

PS: buy something from tara-lynn's yarnovermovement etsy.  You will be so excited that you did! This cowl I got has already become a wardrobe staple.


Anonymous said...

Yay for a super awesome outfit post. I love the big big collar on your coat and the buttons on the back. Are they decorative or functional?

A lovely domestic life and a house to share sounds so wonderful--I hope it's just around the corner for you and Leonard! My boyfriend in Lisbon (and will be going away to Europe again very soon after he comes back,) and our home feels really dank and unpleasant and it's extra lonesome to miss him. I know how difficult long-distance can be, especially when all you want to is to hang out with your best friend all day and all night.


PS--Your hair is looking superfly!

Ally said...

eeek gorgeous coat, :( It must be hard having a long distance relationship...but when you both finally get to be together it will be worth all the waiting!!! XX

Lucy said...

never a need to apologise for girl-talk!

Anonymous said...

kennedy, my dear...i hear ya. i've been struggling a bit, too. in fact, i had an entire post dedicated to the blahs, but deleted it and went in another direction...it helped!
like lucy said, don't apologize! i like hearing about you and leonard...it's cute. :)

buck up, buttercup!


giuli said...

I LOVE your coat!!!
I think that is great if you want to share with us how happy you are in your relantionship...it's an inspiration too for us! :)

Pauline said...

oh I love this post! It fills me with this warm feeling. It's lovely. My boyfriend and I are living together for almost a year now and it's the best thing in the world. I would have thought he'd be sick of all my junk and habits, but I find we love each other more and more everyday. oh I am so happy for you that you found someone beautiful and wonderful to share your life.

Anonymous said...

lovely outfit and lovely words.
setting up house with someone you love is just wonderful. I am looking forward to doing that again.

I will be using your winter blog photos for inspiration when i move back to cold melbourne. I love your style!

Daisy said...

Lovely lovely photos and a very pretty coat ! I will keep an eye out for bow headbands !

kate maggie said...

kennedy, you're a dream boat. i love looking at photos of you. your hair is my favorite. missed seeing your blog posts, glad you're back!


I love Tara's stuff I have a mini collection of her stuff myself :)

Life living with the boyfriend is amazing! I move in with my bf last summer and I really, really love it to pieces! Especially when you find the right one. As for a velvet bow I have an extra blue one I found, it velvet, floppy but just needs a head band. I can swing something and maybe we can organize a mini swap of some sort?

Have a wonderful day :)


rachel red lips said...

i wish we could go on a double date then sneak to the bathroom to girl talk...

Clara Campelo said...

i love your clothes.
the color is great.

wiley said...

this coat is adorable. so great meeting you the other night! on a side note, i love the girl talk.

Ashley mo said...

How nice an earth! ur bang, ur curry hair and frozen weather. alwyas nice pics. first of all, ur love story is the nicest dream to u and every girl. Tha't good! Someday~right? Envy u guys kkk take care :)

Rosie said...

That coat and scarf are fantastic! I'm on the verge of getting a place with my boyfriend and I cannot wait. I know exactly how you feel, your patience will pay off I promise :)

Feisjanter said...

You are part of the 1% of girls in the world that have been lucky with boys! that kind of life sounds so beautiful, I hope you succeed with all your plans for the future, u totally deserve it!

Tayler Worrell said...

i LOVE that coat, and the flap (name?haha) detail that goes around the back <3 i don't think there could ever be too much girl talk :)


punky said...

I got this one at f21 back in aug, but they might have new ones:

♡ Janine said...

I found a really great floppy bow headband on sale at urban a while back...its not velvet, more of a heavy cotton but its cute as a back up plan.

ps- i think you helped me in AA on this past rainy monday. You're adorable and definitely the nicest person I've ever talked to in American Apparel. :)

anja louise said...

girl, it's ok to be a girl! Winter is hard, but I know you'll get your Leonard wishes granted!!

I love the coat, and the cowl is great! Love the things that Tara-Lynn makes. I have a big black bow headband with a bit of mesh that I need to put up in my shop, I have all these hats just waiting!

stephanie renee said...

I love the girl talk and I am feeling your winter blues (makes it hard to quit that cigarette habit). I say go out dancing, it worked for me!

You look beautiful in these photos, i love the white against your dark hair!

tara-lynn / good night, day said...

hun, these are so amzing, i've posted them to my blog also, hope its ok, they look right out of a film, so so so gorgeous, i can't thank you enough.
ps. if you happen to get teh tangels in the back with your long hair, like i do with all scarves, its best to just pull all your hair to one side, it really works, its how i survive winter dressing...love tara-lynn

Anonymous said...

this is your space for love of fashion along with love for your life which includes relationships, so sharing girl talk should be natural and its welcoming...just docovered your blog and I love it! I have winter troubles, seasonal depression and anxiety, but sun will always come and in meantime just dream and create and of course believe :)

cubs Of war said...

not gonna lie, i have a great one from american apparel.
very cute outfit!I'm very gad I found your blog.

Ulrika said...

that coat is amazing, lovely outfit!x

Toosdai said...

the blogging world IS great, isn't it? i feel like it's a giant web of support and outreach, girls connecting and creating and sharing. not to get too saccharine about it, but you know what i mean. so thanks for sharing this sentiment, i agree completely.

Sarah Yvonne said...

I agree completely. I'm a junior in college, living in a dorm with hundreds of other girls. I dream of the day when Boyfriend and I will have our own home together. He's the best roommate I've ever had.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love girl talk (and I miss it), so please don't ever apologize...and keep it coming! :)

Gorgeous coat! I love the big collar and buttons in the back.

Much love,


Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Loved everything about this post. First, your outfit is perfect for winter. The jacket and knit cowl.. stunning! I absolutely love this. I'm also having a hard time finding winter inspiration! It's definitely the hardest season for me also and I've been living here 23 years! I need some inspiration too.. and also, your thoughts about living with Leonard.. that's exactly how I felt before Brett and I lived together... and I'm not exaggerating when I say how much easier life is when you live with the person you love. It's so much fun and I'm so much more relaxed. I love your girl talk ;)

Emma Lavelle said...

I like reading your girl talk ramblings dont worry!!

Are you planning to move in together soon? Me and my boyfriend moved in together last June and i LOVE it. Your're right, its not all happy times and we do argue from time to time, but you cant spend THAT much time with someone and not bicker! I love waking up with him every morning, decorating the house together, cooking tea together every night, and sharing our pet kitten and chickens. It's not the most perfect arrangement (we have 3 lodgers, so not much alone time) but I still love it!


ps that coat is beautiful!

Emma Lavelle said...

I like reading your girl talk ramblings dont worry!!

Are you planning to move in together soon? Me and my boyfriend moved in together last June and i LOVE it. Your're right, its not all happy times and we do argue from time to time, but you cant spend THAT much time with someone and not bicker! I love waking up with him every morning, decorating the house together, cooking tea together every night, and sharing our pet kitten and chickens. It's not the most perfect arrangement (we have 3 lodgers, so not much alone time) but I still love it!


ps that coat is beautiful!

Molly said...

what a surprise that the coat buttons down the back...love it.

Suzy said...

Oooh! I am also daydreaming about my new home, but one with my best friend (we've been living across the country from eachother for the past two years), and I get so excited to live with someone I WANT to live with. Like, buying stuff for the kitchen and wallpapering the bathroom. Haha, you would think we were engaged the way we go on about it!

Seriously, though, keep that girl talk up. Not enough of these fashion ladies are so heart-on-their-sleeves.

OH! And did you get my package?!!

The Book of Right-On said...

Sucha divine coat! Despite the winter blues you've pulled a lovely outift outta the bag! Perfect match with the cowl.

You sound like you wrapped up in love - lucky girl. Make it work! Ele from BORO x

Anonymous said...

as usual, beautiful from the hips up, due to those awful jeans. i love that scarf and coat though.

Tabitha said...

I love the details on the coat - the buttons are a nice surprise!

grace said...

hey i love your coat! im a southern girl in the midwest and i hate sweaters and coat. this is my third winter here now and i think i'm finally getting the hang of it. for work i wear those super thick aa thigh high socks over leggings which allows the flexibility for dresses.

i live with my boyfriend and i love our stay-at-home dinners together. it makes me feel old...but i do love it.

Striped Shirts said...

I really like this outfit!The vintage jacket is great!!

Love_Again said...

Good to see you are keeping cosy! ps you are a babe.

marinadolls said...

I love your jacket and this pic are beautiful!!! very much!!!

Beth said...

fantastic coat, the colour looks fantastic on you.

Charlene said...

The coat is Gorgeous!!!!!

Belen Vazquez Amaro said...

you look super nice!

Lexie said...

i love your yellow coat! it's such a sweet, soft shade!

also, my boyfriend and i were long distance for a year, and it was heart breaking most of the time! you will get through it, though, and the time you have together will be that much sweeter.

Annie, The Friendly Fox said...

You're so cute for dreaming about all those things! My favorite thing in the whole entire world is sharing my everyday life, no matter how exciting or boring, with my husband!

Maria Confer said...

As always, you're stunning Kennedy.

The collar on your coat is so wonderful.

Lulu Letty

Anonymous said...

your clothing is perfection.
how beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Man, I just found out about Yarn Over Movement at calivintage and have been having the toughest time choosing what I want! It's all so beautiful.

You look great in your little cowl and awesome coat. And somehow remind me of Rachel McAdams...?

Anonymous said...


Dallas Shaw said...

these are great photos- nice job caroline

Andrea said...

awww just love your posts :) you're such a cutie head on camera.

speaking of, what kind of camera do you use/have? you pictures are always so clean & crisp!

fraisedesbois said...

Beautiful cowl!!! I love it. It looks so good on you. Have a good day!:0)

Flashes of Style said...

Wow! Your jacket is amazing. You look gorgeous dear :)

Gina said...

Oh, I know that longing for the one you love! I know it well. During the many times my sweetie and I have been separated for weeks and months at a time, we enter what we call "the season of pining." it's hard. but get out of the house to see your other favorite people. or stay inside and read and cook and make beautiful things. that lovely sunrise when you wake up together is coming. and it will be grand--and perhaps you will treasure it even more dearly for all the time apart!
love the cowl!
sad about jd salinger, huh? "franny" was my absolute favorite, changed my world at age 12, made my preteen brain a little wacky from over-identification story....

Diane said...

Oh, this is so wonderful! You look gorgeous, as friggin' always. I've been wanting a cowl from yarnovermovement but am flat broke (I've been spending my money on show tickets as of late, yikes, it adds up).

It's incredibly sad about Salinger dying, but in a way, it also isn't. I mean, he probably lived a long, full life (91 years old, c'mon) and he was probably doing what he wanted to do. I loved the way you put it - "Even if he wasn't writing anything new, just to know he was out there somewhere being the BEST hermit ever was a comfort." Perfectly said, Kennedy!

Valencia Lia said...

Kennedy girl,you look amazing as always and I missed reading your blog. So happy you're back!

Ohhh no worries about the girl talk,I mean we girls always love to talk about such things.
I'm also wanting to spend my days waking up to my boyfriend each morning,oh how the future goes. heeee exciting just having such happy thoughts.

Love love your coat with the buttons at the back,so interesting and gorgeous! And your scarf,I want one too. I've been eyeing on things from her store for so long,I should go get one soon!

Your hair is sooooo beautiful~

Bianca said...


fasha comeback again said...

Droping by to say hi.. :) I have new post in section news..Read.. Thanks :)
follow my blog..
follow my blog..
follow my blog please

Anonymous said...

you look gorgeous :)

Jessica said...

Love the buttons on the back of that coat.

I totally feel you on the lack of winter inspiration. Even here where the weather isn't too terrible, I find myself looking in my closet and thinking "I have nothing to wear!"

And don't apologize for your girl talk! I think it's great that you are so happy. Thinking about the future with the person you love is always fun.

E said...

love that jacket and your scarf


It's just a Monday said...

I remember reading this post but wasnt too sure if I commented or not? Anyway, you look fantastic and the colour of that jacket just brings in a little bit of sunshine.

I also saw the comment from 'anonymous' about the disliking of your jeans! I wonder why they are anonymous????

I have decided to set up a little trading community over on my blog if you fancy joining us?


Luna said...

beautiful coat!

Theory of a fashion victim

Kristin said...

ugh...I am so ready for spring fashions too. I just get so sick of layering different outfits with the same cardigans and coats all of the time!

I have a yarn over movement cowl scarf that has not left my neck for the last two months!! They are amazing!

Heart Charlie said...

LOVE this jacket and scarf combo!! Seriously an amazing outfit and again, I love your hair, it is so perfectly wild and at the same time so soft and pretty ;)

Arijana Šuman said...

Ohh love your post & your blog... :)

Hannah said...

I know what you mean, I think I've started to become affected with the winter blues, it's so cold here too; I'm desperate for spring now! Your jacket is really unusual, are those buttons up the back? You look lovely as always :)

Jen Hsieh said...

i love that first picture of you so much, you're so stunning! and that cowl you got from yarnovermovement looks ridiculously cozy. i've been looking at a ton of their item and i want every single one of them!

good luck on your future thrifting adventures and gaining back your outfit confidence. :)

Dirty Hair Halo said...

Love the cowl and your coat.

I just stumbled upon your blog! I'm a new follower, I love it!



Caroline said...

I've been drooling over everything in the Yarn Over Movement shop lately, but I have absolutely no need for anything even scarf related! Maybe one day I'll move somewhere where it gets cold and I can start layering again. You look lovely as per the norm.

Lilas said...

beautiful coat :)

Anna.eM said...

this coat is fascinating... beautiful... unique... I also wants so!

vanessa porter said...

You wear that cowl beautifully! You almost make me wish it would quit warming up down here in Georgia already.

Also, your hair and makeup always look amazing.

always lovely!

Vicki said...

Love this post darling!! your photos are fabulous, ur so photogenic!
Adding you to my lnks list and am now a follower :) happy monday!
magpie-girl.blogspot.com xo

Athletiart said...

Beautiful! Did you get a chance to see my VINTAGE LEOTARD blog yet? There is a gathered Danskin swimsuit that would look delicious on you!!


Doris Anne said...

Oh my word, you have amazing style! I have been meaning to post something on your blog about it for a long time! I became a fan of your lookbook right away. I want you to dress me everyday. Could I have your wardrobe?